Drilling commenced yesterday at the Medallion Metals Ravensthorpe Gold Project, between Hopetoun and Ravensthorpe in the South East of Western Australia. The 32,000m drill program will include around 26,000m at the Kundip Mining Centre which according to 2012 JORC gold Mineral Estimates entails around 674,000oz. Further targets at Kundip centre on known deposits of Flag, Harbour View and Kaolin, while also looking at near mine potential sites of Gem Restored and Gift South.

The Managing Director Paul Bennett commended the team for the swift approach and earmarked the first results “It’s a credit to the Project team to get up and running safely and within this short timeframe. With drilling now underway, we’re looking forward to reporting the first drill results in May and the pace of that reporting increasing as the second rig to site next week.” he said.
Medallion Metals has opened on the markets at $0.250.