1.62 million collected JobSeeker and Youth Allowance unemployment benefits in August. Perenti Global advises that Fitch Ratings has provided the company with a BB rating, Perenti is rated BB by Standard & Poor’s and Ba2 by Moody’s. Net Zero emissions by 2050 is achievable according to a road map set to be released this week by the Scot Morrison government.
Focus Minerals and Lithium Australia has ended its Coolgardie Rare Metals Venture for a group of tenements known as the “Nepean Group”. As part of the ending of the venture, the Coolgardie Rare Metals Venture is terminated and the parties mutually release each other from any and all associated claims and;Focus transfers Lepidolite Hill tenements P15/5739, P15/5574 and P15/5575 to Lithium Australia in exchange for the grant of a royalty equal to 20% of the statutory royalties payable the State of Western Australia in relation to those tenements.
An upgrade to the Adelong Gold Processing Plant in New South Wales is set to take place for 3D Resources after awarding a contract to Timora to provide specialised Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management Services. 3D Resources Chairman Ian Hastings said “The Company is pleased with the progress since acquiring the Adelong Gold Project and this step to commence the upgrade of the plant is particularly significant. The Company has always aimed to recommence production as soon as possible and upgrading and reconfiguring the plant is one of the most important steps in that process The work and reviews to date have generated substantial understanding of the project which will drive the plant upgrades now underway.” The contract’s finalised plans include a recommendation to more than double the plant capacity with a view to initially improving the economies of scale during a single shift operation as well as providing the additional capacity for use as the increased resources are brought into the mining plan.
The maiden drilling intercepts at Mandilla – 20km south west of Kambalda WA, for Enterprise Metals have been released. The best initial aircore result of 4m @ 1.8g/t from 40 metres and was supported by anomalous gold and gold-indicators such as arsenic in the weathering profile. According to Enterprise Metals, The August drill program was confined to the eastern side of the highway and clear of the Kambalda-Esperance High Pressure Gas Pipeline and east of private land around the Mandilla homestead. 121 shallow vertical holes were drilled for a total of 2,408 metres.
A southern plunge at The Hub Deposit for NTM Gold has been detected at the Redcliffe Gold Project near Leonora in WA. The latest diamond drill hole testing the mineralisation down plunge at the Hub deposit has increased the vertical continuity of the high-grade material, returning: 7.5m @ 8.1 g/t Au from 405.6m, incl. 4.4m @ 12.2 g/t Au. Hole 20RDD004 is approximately 65m vertically above the first hole testing the southerly plunge, 20RDD003, which previously returned: 6.5m @ 7.0 g/t Au from 459m, incl. 2.5m @ 12.2 g/t Au. According to to NTM Gold Managing Director Andrew Muir “This latest intercept confirms and extends the mineralisation seen in the 20RDD003 and validates the presence of the southern plunge at Hub. The next few holes will continue to test the mineralisation and will provide a good insight into the dimensions of the high-grade mineralisation. The grades and widths intersected are excellent and highlight that the deposit has outstanding upside beyond the shallow high-grade oxide mineralisation.”

A diamond drill program is underway on Lake Lefroy with Lefroy Exploration and Joint Venture partner Goldfields. An update to the program, which commenced in July has been provided, with Lefroy Exploration Managing Director – Wade Johnson excited about a second drill rig being added. “The addition of a second drill rig and the commencement of diamond drilling in Lake Lefroy to accelerate exploration is exciting news. The multiple large regolith gold anomalies over a prospective stratigraphic rock package in the vast area of Lake Lefroy requires the drill-based commitment and experience that than GoldFields can bring. We are very supportive of the exploration methodology being undertaken by
our partner and keen to see the outcome from this phase of drilling” he said. The drilling program is part of a 9000m multi-target drilling program expected to be completed in October 2020 with results soon after.
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