The ASX is closed due to the Queen’s Birthday, but here are some headlines to get you up and about on a Monday.
- The former chairman of Croesus Mining – Ron Manners has been awarded an AO in the general division as part of the Queen`s Birthday Honours List for distinguished service to the minerals and mining sectors, and to youth through philanthropic support for educational initiatives.
From Kalgoorlie, Mr Manners has been instrumental in the mining industry, floating several mining companies and also inducted as as “living legend” into the Australian Prospectors and Miners Hall of Fame. He has also been passionate about helping students in mining and set up Mannkal Economic Education Foundation, which has awarded more than 1,500 scholarships. While other Western Australian based mining related recipients awarded an AO in the general division include: Denise Goldsworthy for distinguished service to business, particularly to technological innovation and research in the mining and manufacturing sectors; Ms Goldsworthy helped drive the Rio Tinto autonomous truck project as well as being a founder and Managing Principal of Alternate Futures pty ltd. Colin Beckett was also awarded an AO in the general division for distinguished service to business in the energy, gas and oil production and infrastructure sectors, and to tertiary education.
- Pilbara Minerals ended last week on the up, starting the week at 0.265 and ending strong at 0.355. While there were some falls for miners elsewhere on the market.
- A housing stimulus package was launched for WA by the Premier Mark McGowan, Treasurer Ben Wyatt and Housing Minister Peter Tinley. According to Premier McGowan “This new major housing package will provide a much-needed boost to WA’s economy.”It will provide a pipeline of work for WA building companies and local tradies, like bricklayers, plumbers, carpenters and painters, as we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. The social housing component will also go a long way to helping those in need, get into a quality home.” The package includes an $80 million investment to fast-track a regional maintenance program, supporting workers and small businesses in regional WA. The major points from the announcement include:
- $117 million for $20,000 Building Bonus grants provided to homebuyers who sign up before December 31, 2020 to build new houses or purchase a new property in a single tier development (such as a townhouse) prior to construction finishing, creating 2,600 jobs;
- $8.2 million to expand the 75 per cent off-the-plan transfer duty rebate, capped at $25,000, until December 31, 2020 to include purchases in multi-tiered developments already under construction;
- $97 million to construct social housing dwellings and purchase off-the-plan units for supported housing programs;
- $142 million to refurbish 1,500 existing social housing dwellings; and
- $80 million for targeted maintenance programs for 3,800 regional social housing properties – including remote Aboriginal communities’ stock and subsidised housing for regional government workers.