The City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is a week away from welcoming what could be well over 2000+ visitors and exhibitors to its humble mining town, as the Worthy Parts Industry Link Auction and Expo connects service providers across the country.
An event of this caliber will expect to see local businesses from accommodation, restaurants, through to local retailers benefit from the additional flow of traffic, whilst also increasing business opportunities among local and interstate service providers.
Worthy Parts Industry Link Director Michael Worthington is encouraging local businesses to get creative and come on board with ideas on how they can be involved in the 3-day networking forum, that backs onto the iconic Saint Barbaras Day Parade.
“We’ve taken the initiative in approaching local businesses to help out with the expo such as Kal signs, who are doing the signage locally, as well as local venues to host our networking events such as the Palace Hotel and Paddy’s restaurant”
“We’ve been humbled to see such incredible support from local businesses with companies approaching us with ideas on how they can contribute,” he said.
The key to measuring its success will be determined by the economic report conducted post event, on the insurgence of financial growth the township receives during the event.
“We’re expecting roughly 500 exhibitors alone, and around 2000 audience members to cross the expo gates,
“We’re encouraging local businesses to approach us over the next week to see how we can work in and support them locally,
“Our expo will provide an opportunity for the smaller guys, as well as contractors, and local businesses to be exposed for their contribution to the communities they work in,” he said.
Chief Executive Officer of the City of Kalgoorlie Boulder, John Walker said the expo and auction is one of the most exciting initiatives he has seen since he relocated to Kalgoorlie Boulder.
“Often the city leads on events and activities but to see a private enterprise take the initiative, wear the risk and to invite people to Kalgoorlie Boulder to come and not only do business but to enjoy what we have to offer, to stay here, to spend their money, I think is outstanding and so, I think Worthy Parts deserves all the credit but hopefully the town embraces it as well,” Mr Walker said.
“The public are always warming when people come to town, but I think it also opens enormous opportunities beyond just the expo,
“People when they see and feel Kalgoorlie might decide they want to live here or do business here, and I think this is a great initiative to help achieve lots of our outcomes [the city] and it aligns with what the city is trying to do, so we’re really supportive,” he said.
“We know a lot of mining happens somewhere else and not many people unless they’re working there go out to the mines and understand and experience what it is,” he said.
Mr Walker said it’s common that people won’t see what happens in mining unless they work there, and the expo provides the public an opportunity to see and understand one of the major economic contributors for the town.
“Now what makes a mine; you know, the equipment makes the mine, the people make the mine obviously the fact that the geology is there as well but I think to bring the people, the equipment, the operations into the city at Cruikshanks Oval where people can go and look and feel and touch and see – gives them the opportunity to be involved,” he said.
“I mean mining is one aspect, but mining services is in many ways perhaps is a bigger industry employer and contributor to the economy here anyway, so we have a massive mining services sector,” he said.
As well as the city’s support, the WPIL Auction & Expo has partnered with many local businesses including the Kalgoorlie Miner to add to the experience and exposure for each of the service providers exhibiting.
Kalgoorlie Miner Goldfields – Esperance Regional Manager Tracee Relph said the readership of the miner will provide the exhibitors a chance to expose their business to a greater audience, in addition to those attending the expo.
“With Worthy Parts – we’ve been able to expose the expo directory to the wider reach – so the exhibitors will have their bios shared not only to the people at the expo on the ground, but to the wider audience as well.”
“Anything that involves the community, we’ll jump onboard regardless and having so many extra people in town will help the retailers and in effect it’ll help the paper as well, having people shopping locally and being involved will be good for the city,” she said.
The Expo aims to connect three avenues, the exhibitor and mining companies, the community to exhibitors, and the audience and exhibitors to local businesses.
“We’re exposing businesses that support the communities, sponsor the footy clubs, and interact with the community.
Director of Exchange Hotel and Paddy’s restaurant, Lawson Douglas said that events that bring a mass amount of people to the city is great for the township and local businesses.
“We’ve prepared to have extra staff on during the expo to ensure all audience members and exhibitors are catered for.
“We’ve teamed up with the WPIL Committee to ensure that exhibitors know they’re welcome to wind down at Paddy’s and the Exchange with a relaxed environment and we’lL cater for them.”
“The flow on effect of events such as this are great for the community.
As a local business, we’re happy to get involved with these types of events, because it does promote that Kalgoorlie is a great place to live and do business. It means that we’re able to promote what our local businesses are capable of when it comes to events of this caliber.
Michael said his WPIL team has been on the front foot recruiting local businesses to help out where necessary, from onsite providing forklifts and cherry pickers, to Kal Signs with signage, Goldfields Indoor Plant Hire with internal decorations.
“We have a team of around 20 people, and each one of them are in charge of their own department to make the Expo & Auction a success for the exhibitors and community members”
“We do encourage local business to take advantage of the additional persons in town and approach us with their ideas to contribute to the experience of the local community and exhibitors’
The WPIL Auction and Expo will take place on December 3 & 4 and is free to the public and audience members for entry. You can find out more at